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Old 10-04-2007, 05:02 AM
Moose Moose is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 35
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Default Should I or Shouldn't I?

Just wondering if anyone can help me get off the fence in running ozone or not and the expierences of those who do run it and maybe the complications to using it. Why ozone you ask I measure ORP and haven't been able to get it up to 380mv from 300mv I like to run it high I have had good results with high ORP. Thanks again for sharing
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(150 Gal reef) profilux ll controller, 2GHL LED strips, 2 Hamilton 250 W MH, 5-2' 65w T-5's, 2 6100 Tunze's, RC 135 Euro Reef skim, dual chamber Calcium reactor, marine tech kalkwasser reactor and now zeovit
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