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Old 10-03-2007, 10:39 PM
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Melina Melina is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Terrace, BC
Posts: 73
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Default stocking question

Hey guys,
My 65g is a month old. I have a 20g sump. The live rock I purchased was very well established and my cycle was very short. I never had an ammonia or nitrite spike. Right now these are my parameters:
NH3/4 = 0
NO3= <5

I am using RO/DI water only. I have quite a bit of green filamentous algae growing in the tank. No livestock yet.

Here's my question. Is it OK to add all these things within a couple days of each other?
24 blue legged hermits
5 scarlet hermits
9 astrea snails
9 turbo snails
9 cerith snails
2 cleaner shrimp
1 tuxedo urchin
2 clownfish
6 coral frags (frogspawn, torch, candycane, hammer, green star polyps, montipora digitata)

I live far away from any decent saltwater LFS and have to have live goods shipped to me by air, which is expensive. They are shipping the start of my clean up crew & other livestock next Tuesday (the crabs, snails, urchin, shrimp & fish). Now there's a fellow reefer in a town 2 hours away from me who is willing to sell me some frags and wants to get together the following day, Wednesday. I'm wondering if adding all this stuff to my tank at once will be too much, or should it be OK?
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