i know first hand as to why it is not feasable to drill for the natural gas that we have here in AB. you have to take into consideration the cost of drilling that well. here is an example of the cost break down of a drilling rig per day.
(this is basedon the last rig that i was on, oh and it was drilling for gas up in zama)
$20,000/day jsut for the rig
$500/day for the loader
$500/day for the crewtruck
$3000/day for the camp(maybe more not 100% sureon this 1)
then there is the crew pay anywhere from 11 -13 guys a week wages from $21-39 dollars/hour + overtime
then there is the rental of the drill collars and pipe adn the cost of the drill bits, anywhere from 2-6 bits of different quality and price range(the most expensive one that i saw was $75,000
then there is the cost of the drilling mud(which if it is a bad whole can cost over a million just for the mud)
and then the cost of all the other rentals(shacks,400 bbl tanks, light plants, 3 sided tanks)
and if it is a directional hole then that costs more too....
and well, when it sells at what?? 6.49 per what ever the measurement is...there is not a lot of profit in the gas sector right now.