Originally Posted by Jason McK
I have had 2 tanks leak on me (both 72G bow fronts)
I was able to keep 100% alive in rubbermaid contaners for 2 weeks.
this is what i did
90% of LR in 1 bucket with airstone power head and heater
all fish with a few pieces of LR in another with power head air stone and heater
All coral in another with power head heater and airstone. Plus a CF lighting over the bucket.
I would not reuse your sand. When I moved I kept the sand for my 75 and rinsed it over and over again. i wiped out my entire tank.
In my 40G I tosed the sand and had 100% servival.
I would buy new sand when you restart
What was it about the sand that you think wiped out your tank? I have done it about half a dozen or so times in the 6 years I have had saltwater tanks and never had a problem...I guess I will stop doing that now though!