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Old 10-02-2007, 08:45 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: White Rock, BC
Posts: 28
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Default Re: I'm Leaking

I was just talking with my friend from OA about the sand. She suggested that I ditch the Sand and get New Sand. I definately wanted to keep the sand as I have alot of snails and stars & "sand dwelling" creatures and I like the look of Sand.

It is currently about 2-3 inches deep in the whole tank but I had a Zino problem a few weeks ago so someone suggested i ditch it then but I used a strainer instead and tried to get as much of it as I could. I can move my light and prop it on top of the "fish pond" for the corals. Pumps arn't a problem as I have 4 maxi jet 1200's. I'll move the thermometer over. I've never had to catch any of my fish though?? Should I remove the rocks 1st so there is less hiding spaces. I don't want to traumatize them any more than necessary.

Do u think I should ditch the sand and get new. i thought that the sand was an important part of the biological filtration??


100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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