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Old 10-02-2007, 08:24 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: White Rock, BC
Posts: 28
Jenndarlin is on a distinguished road
Question I'm Leaking!!!!!!

I came home last night to find a slow leak in my tank. I am still assertaining if it is salvagable or not but I'm starting to look at options.

I'm 9 months into the hobby and have never had to EMPTY my tank and I'm quite worried about it. I was looking at upgrading to a 90 in the spring but maybe spring's coming early for me.

What are the things I need to think about and consider when moving things out?? acclimitization, temperature, water quality etc???

I'm going to calm down and make a list of the thing i need to go buy @ home depot. I'm going to get a fish pond and keep them in there for now but I want to have the new tank (if needed) up by Saturday.....wishful thinking?? I hope not!!!!


100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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