Two Questions? please
1. What causes SPS to lose it's bright colour and how do you bring it back?
2. How come my SPS don't extend there polyps my water parametes are fantastic across the board
alk 7
calcium 460 little high 
PO2 3
PO3 0
PO4 0
MG 1350
2- 250watt 10000K
3- 36w T 5 18000K
2- 36w T 5 6400k
2- 36w T 5 Aqua blue specials
2- 36w T 5 atinics
To the whole world you may be one person but to one person you may be the whole world
(15  0 Gal reef) profilux ll controller, 2GHL LED strips, 2 Hamilton 250 W MH, 5-2' 65w T-5's, 2 6100 Tunze's, RC 135 Euro Reef skim, dual chamber Calcium reactor, marine tech kalkwasser reactor and now zeovit