no .... but here is the story...
I got profilux months ago and hooked up wireless from my XP desktop no problem at all...
then I bought a laptop with Visa... tried to connect ... no problem! Awesome....
BUT suddenly I came home one day and none of my machines had internet and I couldn't connect to the profilux. I checked router and all of the security was put on (I have it off).... so I redid all that. I think Vista may have reconfigured the router? Anyway....
Still using 3.02 at this time, I put everything back to normal, I made an ad hoc connection and redid everything. Again I could get in to the WLAN card and make changes no problem. The control software would not connect though. Port 10001.....
So I decided to upgrade to the new software and new firmware. No problem. Now the control software see's the controller but won't make the connection...
Please advise,