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Old 09-30-2007, 04:01 AM
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Scavenger Scavenger is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Nanaimo, British Columbia
Posts: 623
Scavenger is on a distinguished road

If it's any help, I found out by accident that about a week in the shade and you have some nice new shiny white new sand.

On a side note, after watching a few documentaries and i can't remember which one right now, they stated that a large portion of "tropical sand" is the result of dead halimeda (which absorbs calcium and turns to sand when dead) and parrot fish poop. (they eat sps, absorb the tissues and poop the calcium.)

Just thought I'd throw that in for what it's worth.

Last edited by Scavenger; 09-30-2007 at 04:13 AM.
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