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Old 09-23-2007, 03:11 PM
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Default not standard

Originally Posted by RicePaddy View Post
Anything I buy I inspect and provided cash on delivery. By delivery I mean me physically picking it up.
Your method is only viable if the item is purchase locally. Unfortunately that is not the standard practice of buying and selling on-line as the inverse could be said by the seller with just as much logic; "Anything I sell I ship upon receiving cash. By cash I mean Paypal, money order or money bills"
Personally I would never send anything to a person who have not provided the monetary funds as it is much easier to not pay the money than to not provide the product.
In this case with Blaster, it is just very unfortunate and I hope the best for a peaceful resolution.
Blaster - if you know his address and personal details AND you have not made any civil agreements to postpone the delivery or shipping or the product, feel free to call the law enforcement agency in his jurisdiction to report a fraud under $5000. Good luck.
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