Alright, for anyone who's been on the fence about Zeovit (worried about the costs?), here's some new pricing:
Basic Four (required to run Zeovit)
Zeovit media 1 L $13.49
Zeobak 10 mL $15.49
Zeobak 50 mL $57.99
ZEOfood 7 10 ml $14.99
ZEOfood 7 50ml $28.49
ZEOfood 7 500ml $95.99
ZEOstart 2 250ml $33.99
ZEOstart 2 500ml $56.49
ZEOstart 2 1000ml $94.99
Supplemental products (used for further enhancement of your reef tank environment)
ZEOspur Macroelements 250m $33.99
ZEOspur Macroelements 500ml $55.99
ZEOspur 2 Konz. 250ml $33.99
ZEOspur 2 Konz. 500ml $56.45
ZEOspur 2 Konz. 1000ml $94.99
ZEOlife 1L $29.49
ZEOlife 5L $121.99
ZEOlife 10L $214.99
- These are the clay products that have become increasingly popular in Europe to increase water clarity.
Stylo Pocci Glow 50ml $25.49
Stylo Pocci Glow 100ml $43.99
Sea Water Complex 500ml $44.99
Sea Water Complex 1000ml $72.49
Sea Water Complex 5000ml $269.99
Potassium Iodide/Fluoride 50ml $25.99
Potassium Iodide/Fluoride 100ml $45.99
Amino Acid Concentrate 50ml $33.99
Amino Acid Concentrate 100ml $56.99
Amino Acid Concentrate 250ml $94.99
- Amino acids have conclusively been shown to have positive effects on corals including increased PE, growth and coloration (
Aminoacid Concentrate LPS 250ml $33.99
Aminoacid Concentrate LPS 500ml $56.49
Coral Vitalizer – Coralfood 50ml $38.49
Coral Vitalizer – Coralfood 100ml $59.99
- I have personally found that this product goes amazing lengths to promoting better growth and coloration in SPS corals.
K-Balance Potassium conc 500ml $39.99
K-Balance Potassium conc 1000ml $77.99
K-Balance Strong 1000ml $99.99
B-Balance 500ml $39.99
B-Balance 1000ml $77.99
Coral Snow 250ml $25.99
Coral Snow 500ml $46.99
Coral Snow 1000ml $87.99
- GOOD PRODUCT! Everyone should try this stuff at least once! Seriously! Massive PE, better colors, better water clarity, fantastic growth.
Trace Element Complex 500ml $22.45
Trace Element Complex Concentrate 1L $97.49
Magnesium Complex 500ml $22.49
Magnesium Complex Concentrate 1L $96.99
Strontium Complex 500mL $22.49
Strontium Complex Concentrate 1L $94.99
Iodide Complex Concentrate 50ml $36.49
In case you're wondering, the average monthly cost to run a 100 gallon tank works out to roughly $20.
If anyone has questions about Zeovit and its methodology, please feel free to asks questions here