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Old 09-21-2007, 08:50 AM
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Location: Vancouver, BC
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Originally Posted by Rippin View Post
If you can hold out, wait for a fellow reefer tearing down or changing his/her system. They usually sell between $3-$4 a pound and it's almost guaranteed to have way more living organisms on it than any cured rock you could buy from a store.
that's what im hoping for. what i think ill do is set up the tank and mod it the way i want, then leave it in no rush, so hopefully a good deal happens upon me. when and if that deal arises, i will jump on it, instead of rushing everything and ending up with subpar live rock.

king ed's, although im not a fan of a lot of their livestock, DO seem to have some very nice saltwater critters, fish, and live rock.

is it a good idea to buy all your LR at the same place at the same time? or if you see a really nice piece, but dont want to pay 9$ a pound, could you always just get a coupe of pieces that tickle your fancy?
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