Xenia (an others) not doing to good
At one time the stuff was over running the tank, now finding since about this spring it's no longer budding off and what's left after since I trimmed it back last is slowly shrinking.
Also during this same period, finding my orange monti plate also my brown and green m. digitatas have died but the acros that bleached and browned out from the red bugs last fall have started going back to their orginal blue green and purples, plus the tan/green m. plate growing really good. Clam's fine, GSP growing.
Water parameters thoughout the period and way before have remained fairly steady, alk ~10KH, Ca mid 300'S, temp 79, salinity 1.025. The only thing out and just got the test kit is Mg, it's low, 900-1000ppm.
Have changed bulbs within this period, and the only Livestock added have been some mushroom and a tang. This was a little before the problems noted with the montis but after the xenia slow down.