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Old 09-19-2007, 03:44 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Coquitlam, B.C.
Posts: 680
Whatigot is on a distinguished road

To clarify, the tank specs and what is included in purchase price are as follows:
- 94g Cube tank
- Drilled bottom (for 360 degree unobstructed viewing). If memory serves correct, 3/4" return, 1" drain
- 30x30x24"
- Stand is finished, but needs to be painted. I will post pics.
- Starboard bottom with faux sandbed (I didn't like the look after the bottom encrusted with coralline so I maintained a shallow sandbed).
- Sump is 30g
- Grow light for macroalgae.
- Plumbing fixtures are included (return pump is not)

$1500 does not include the following and will be sold separately:
Any Livestock or Live Rock
Deltec Skimmer
Tunze Streams
Return Pump
Phosban Reactor[/quote]

Just didn't see the lights included in this update after he lists what is included for the price.
congratualtions on your mastery of the english language.
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