Firstly, a few growth shots:
Freshly mounted (Aug 05):
Now (Sep 18):
I know, the tightly focused shot that would make a National Geographic photojournalist envious.
Anyway, I didn't really capture it, but there's a ring of tiny polyps around the larger ones and the colony has encrusted the Speed Glue adhering the frag to the rock.
The other frag:
Better color and encrustation. Actually, the color change kinda surprised me. I didn't think the bulb swap would make such a noticeable difference in the coral. On note: KZ Fiji Purple bulbs RULE. I no longer have any actinics on the tank, not enough slots, and the color still rocks. Can't wait til I get a better fixture with more bulbs.
Also, you'll notice that the godawful diatom/cyano is completely gone. Zeovit FTW.
Okay, on to the new additions.
Pink zoanthid.
Orange yuma I'm babysitting for Steve, of fish holding fame (lol).
Euphyllia cristata.
Green Cyphastrea. Cyril picked this one up randomly. He did a good job. He got a cookie.
Barney encrusting Montipora. Really, much more purple than the picture would indicate.
Acanthastrea maxima. HUGE polyp!
In tank.
I know, I'm a bastard.
For Tony:
Not mine

Never fear though, I'm getting a new fish list tomorrow and they MIGHT be on it. Cross your fingers man! I wouldn't mind a few more myself :P
EDIT: I forgot to mention this, but I'd like to extend a wholesome and heart-warming thanks to Marco (moogled) for joining the "KING ALBERT INSPIRES ME, MY LIFE HAS MEANING NOW" club. Thank you, my friend, and may the Force be with you.