Gross water volume of your complete system (incl. sump etc.)?
Approximatly 100 gal, 75 display 25 sump
What are your actual PO4 and NO3 levels?
What are your actual Ca, Alk and Mg levels?
Ca-430 Alk-8 Mg-lost test kit last reading was 1300
What filtration method do you use (refugium, DSB, Miracle Mud, Zeovit, etc.)?
Refugium with 4 inch sandbed and approx 20lbs of live rock.
75lbs of live rock in main display.
Coralife superskimmer 220 in sump.
Type of light (Watt, color temp, how old, etc.)?
2x175watt mh running XM 10000k bulbs, 2x48'' NO actinics
What corals do you keep?
Everything form softies, LSP, SPS, and a Bubble tip anemone
Tissue color (light or dark)?
Fairly dark colors
How long has the tank been running?
Running since late 2005
Any supplemental dosing (type, amount, why, etc.)?
No extra additives at this point
Any present problems?
Coral colors lacking the "pop" in color seen in other tanks, too much darkgreen in sps
Other water parameters and water stability (salinity, temp, etc.)?
Salinity-1.025-.026. Temp-79-80