Originally Posted by andrewsk
Can I PLEASE make a suggestion to you. Before you go any further, buy this book and read it from front to back:
Concientious Marine Aquarist
It is only $30.00 and will save you a ton of $ in the long run.
You really need to take a step back and do some reading. You are coming at Salt Water with an understanding of Freshwater and that can be dangerous
If you love that book and have a few more $ to spare, then read the following.
The Reef Aquarium Volume 3
Originally Posted by michika
I completely second Andrewsk's suggestions for other reading. They are both great books about general setups. I believe The Reef Aquarium Volume 3 is available at the public library as well.
Hmm oh yea, the library, lol. Personally I seem to always get to the library when books are out *like i said earlier, I have bad timing*, but i think i'll try seeing if I can find those books in the library cuz they sound great!! *bombed with info and people helpin me*
TKS guys, I think once I design a final system I'll scan that in and run it by u many reef owners out there *echo echo echo*
Oh yea keep checkin back here cuz I'll likely run ideas by u guys for a while till I've finalized everything. *being the noob at this that I am*