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Old 09-18-2007, 10:43 PM
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scuglass scuglass is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: calgary
Posts: 330
scuglass is on a distinguished road

T5 lighting will allow you to house anything you want as well and allows you to custimize the lighting look(more blue more white more yellow) by adding different bulbs and putting them in different orders. there is a huge thread on RC about T5's and Grimreefer is a great help on there. There are alslo alot of experts on here to help you out.

here are some tank pics with T5's

one of the things about MH that people love is the shimmer effect and shadows around the reef... this is something to consider as well.

I recomend looking at the most tanks as possible and seeing what you like, this will help save you money in the long run by not wanting to upgrade frequently like me....
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