Just food for thought when it comes to HOB filters and mechanical filtration in general ...
The current trend in reef keeping is filtration through the use of live rock (and live sand to some extent -but I wish I went BB but that is another discussion for another time)
Mechanical filtration tends to become somewhat of a nitrate trap which is a no-no in reef keeping.
Now everyone has their own opinions and mine is one of only thousands out there but I think you will find most people tend to just use live rock, filter socks, and macro algae along with periodic carbon use or a phosban reactor coupled with RO/DI water for top offs and water changes.
When I used to keep a nano tank I would use a HOB aquaclear filter but I filled it with chaeto macro algae and live rock rubble and added a small light to it.
My suggestion is just to read read read, research research research, and once you think you have it figured out, read some more.
There are a lot of really experienced reefers on this site with loads of knowledge, I've only been doing this hobby for 2-1/2 years but I have learned alot form my own mistakes and now try to learn from others mistakes first before I make them myself

@ Drew - you beat me to it