Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef
I think the general concensus would be to just purchase quality test kits separately. Salifert and Elos test kits generally seem to be preferred.
Originally Posted by Joe Reefer
Continuing on what Howdy said......some people don't try SPS for years after they are in the hobby.
If you are convinced that SPS are the only corals you want to keep.....maybe just try some brown acros to start off with and see what they turn into and how your husbandry skills are. Acros are amazing in the fact that within a few months a dirty brown coral can turn into an amazing speciman if cared for properly. It will be much more rewarding than bringing home the prized nana frag and having it turn into a drab brown cause you have no idea what your doing. JMO
BTW lets hear about your tank.
my tank, I should send a picture I suppose, but I'm still setting up so I could go with my 18/20 gallon one which currently has two freshwater fish in it*not expensive ones*, and two 20 gallon rated filters for it *keeps the water crystal clear* and the one I am currently planning on using for a reef tank is totally unlike the ones u guys seem to have. Its 5 gallons, although I need to double check that before I add salt, hex shaped nano tank. Its not quite like the ones you buy currently because its an older one, but it has almost no wear on it. It has a base which can cover up some smaller equipment and an upper lid which allows for perfect light placement so long as the cord goes through the slot. Its about 2-3x taller then it is wide making it nice for display and it has black trimming. *yea nothing like the awesome tanks u guys got but hey, its my first coral one!* For filtration I have the choice between either of the filters for my other freshwater tank rated for up to 20 gallons, and one specifically has a section where you can turn it from a basic run water through filter to a slightly less quality then most, trickle filter. Due to the fact its rated higher then the tank volume I plan on using it for on should be perfect...Right? I also have a water movement device which mixes air with water at controled rates allowing me to increase oxygen levels at a fairly controled rate. To top that off, sorta stupid to have this too along with an air/water movement device, and air pump!
lol so far the tank sits fairly empty of life...