Thanks for all the great comments, I don't have too many pictures of the tanks process but I'll post what I have.
First off this tank was an upgrade from my previous 50 gallon LPS
It started off with just the top tank and all equipment underneath.
One thing I really wanted to do with the new tank is keep the look clean but still have plenty of access. For the canopy I decided the best thing to do was have it mounted on rails so it could just slide open for access.
For the stand both sides hinged open while the front side was held on by magnets, this eliminated the need for doors and provided much more access.
At the time there was a refugium located at the front of the stand with the skimmer and sump at the rear.
As you can see things were pretty tight and when it came time for upgrades obviously I needed some extra room.
At one point I decided to make the refugium viewable as a second tank
This was always somewhat planed, I've always liked the idea of the second tank, even with my previous setup
That's all for now, I'll be back later.