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Old 09-12-2007, 06:39 PM
skylord skylord is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Maple Ridge BC
Posts: 346
skylord is on a distinguished road

Careful andresont, "they" will be sending the black helicopters after you.


Originally Posted by andresont View Post

9/11 was an inside job
concrete buildings never fall because of the fires never before 9/11 never after.
A 120 gallon woops 120 floor building collapsed at the free fall speed almost as fast as the speed of the rock dropped from the roof.
That means there was no obsticle to the folling upper floor and it did not hit the lower floor.

Ok forget the Towers the smoking gun is building # 7 why did IT collapsed ?there was no plains flying in to it just small fire on two (!) floors.
Building # 7 was block away from the towers and other buildings that were even closer then #7 were NOT damaged.
The truth is out there and it is ugly !

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