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Old 09-12-2007, 06:13 PM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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tang daddy is on a distinguished road

Diana- they all get along great!

I started with the juvi french which was small then went with a bit larger majestic and then large emporer then queen and so on but it really helps to go bigger depending on character of fish what I mean by that is agressive is it? Most of my angels are dosile with the odd show of dominance here and there but I think there was never an issue with all of them because every new arrival was alittle bigger. The queen angel was 5th to go in at first shy but soon to be the agressor of the tank because she's the largest of the bunch however the king or passer is still in transformation and he was second last to be put in so smaller fish can be put in after larger.
From my observation larger fish usually leave juvi's alone but with french angel's no matter the size they have a mentality that they are invincible which often get's them in hot water they are however very resilliant often I would see it pick ich off the emporer and even other fish. Maybe the french you got never ate? the next time you try to put another french in make sure he's a decent size maybe half the queen that way he'll have more of a chance. If he start's eating after a week which they all usually do then it shouldn't be a problem if you have any more questions pls feel free to ask!
Over the last few months I've been chatting with other people on fowlers and wondering how they can get all their angels to get along and really it's a science but through expeirence is how we learn.

I forgot to add one more thing you can also remove the queen and put it in another tank for a week or until your new angel gets established in it's new home then introduce it back again that will work forsure so far I haven't had to resort to that thank god I'm lucky.
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