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Old 09-11-2007, 02:36 PM
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Default What Reefwerkz still has.

I have made a list of the stuff that Reefwerkz still has.

False perc clowns......... $ 10 each
Domino Damsels............ $5 each
Long spine urchin sm ..... $8
1 Sargeant Major........... $ 3
Fox face...................... $14
Anthias....................... $20
Feater dusters............. $10 each
sea hares...................$10 each

We also have lots of Zoos $10 per frag,SPS $15 per frag, And a few SPS colonies left $20-$30 per. LPS and some other softies as well.
Ocean pure salt........ $40 per bucket

We also have some new powerheads, bulbs, scrapers, reactor media, and other dry goods still avalible. please come by on Thursday to see what we have left and pick up some smokin deals on this stuff , we just want it to sell I know people will ask but sorry there will not be any holds on these items, first come first serve. Thanks for all your support and we will see you on Thursday 7pm -10 pm.
its time to get up, dust myself off, and begin the process of rebuilding my tank!