My young family has been taking up the majority of my time, and therefore it is time to sell the reef as I just can't keep up with it as much as I'd like to.
I therefore have a mint condition Sfiligoi Infinity XR4 Pendant w/ACLS. 1x250W HQI + 4x24w T5. This is the ultimate luxurious lighting as it is the only dimmable HQI on the market right now. I love this light as you can choose how long the sunrise/sunset is. So if you decide to have it come on at 8AM, it will start at 0% and gradually go up to 100% in whatever duration you choose. So Sunrise could essentially be 2 hours. Same goes for Sunset. I love sitting watching tv and seeing the light slowly dim into the sunset. Brand new this is $1400 pendant.
What controls this dimming feature is the ACLS ballast. This thing cost $1100 brand new (just for the ballast and controllable features), but totally makes the light. You can set latitude/longitude to simulate being in different parts of the world. I set mine close to the equator to simulate Hawaii's conditions.
Total this lighting package cost me $2500 + tax last Sept 2006. I know I was nuts for paying this but if you are a fanatic like I was, you'll appreciate how cool this item really is. These two must be sold together (as the pendant is "ACLS ready"), so I am asking $1400.
Buyer would have to pay for shipping, as this would require quite a bit of packaging if I were to do so.
Thank you for your interest. Please PM me with any questions you may have.