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Old 09-10-2007, 07:15 PM
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Default What's new with Vancouver Reef Network

Hey gang...

Hope you had a great summer... The Reef network is back and hard at it again.. After an amazing weekend spent in Delbeek-mania, a reef network exclusive dinner with Delbeek and then a fantastic presentation at Big Als... we're all prepping for the reefkeeping season.

We're proud to announce that we finally have our blog set up... and we're hosting a whole slew of events including a frag auction, frag lunch/dinner, and a tour of the Vancouver Aquarium with the Curator over the next couple of months so save the date and keep your eyes open for it.

We will be posting a link to our blog as soon as we can get it linked up to our domain We will continue to use 3reef for our forums, however, we will likely be abandoning google groups. Good news is, for those who like their news delivered straight to their Inbox, you can still do so with our blog format. Everybody wins.

If you want to take a peek at the pre-launch, you can visit
Visit the Vancouver-based Reef Network at
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