Thread: Water Clarity.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by scuglass View Post

A couple weeks ago i was trying to catch a fish and ended up having to reaquascape the tank... when I did this i noticed the amount of crap all over the rocks. What is the best way of getting rid of this stuff... I baste the rock befor doing a water change but it looks like this isnt getting the job done... The only thing i can think if is taking the rocks out and swishing them around getting all the stuff off. but this will go through wayyyyy to much salt and water which i cant afford.

Any ideas or opinions are appreciated.

Thanks Scott.
A Plastic turkey baster is your best low tech friend, or hook a hose to a MJ (this works the best, as it is more powerful then the baster) and blast them..both work one is a lot cheaper...before you do though put some eggcrate in your overflow and put some foam, various micron sizes over it after awhile the crap you blew off gets cot in the foam/floss and throw it out reapeat as often as needed, just make sure you have lots of water movement and surface movement from your powerheads...if possible direct them toards the overflow when doing this. Works quite awesomely actually

Just don't be shy with your rocks, blast the heck out of them with the baster and/or MJ
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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