Yes I take care of all my things that cost me a substantial amount of cash. The reason I am selling them is that I don't have the time to give the hobby it deserves. As far as the price, yes I am firm. I don't want to give them away and we can talk about the shipping if you decide to purchase the unit. There is absolutely NO noise from the ballast and yes both lamps run off the same ballast. The amount of light that these give off will be more than enough for your setup no matter what you want to put in your tank, hard, soft corals and even clams. The lights give off a very nice rippling effect that many reefers are after and the effect goes right to the bottom of my 90 gallon which would be another 6 inches deeper that your tank. These are quality lights. I hope we can do business. I can't imagine shipping them would be all that much as you are not that far from here, so I might just pay for the whole deal, but we can cross that bridge when the time comes. Look forward to hearing from you.