Opinions: Lumenarc 3 versus Lumenarc Mini on 30" tank?
Want to solicit some opinions here ...
On a 30"x72" tank, I want to go with Lumenarc reflectors for lighting.
But the Lumenarc 3's are 20"x20" which leaves me only 5" on each side for actinic supplementation, which is do-able but really tight, and probably means that I'm limited to 2 T5's at best (when 4 might be better).
The Mini's would allow more room for more T5's (4xT5 would be ideal in my opinion, since the tank is 30" tall).
Thing is, I might kinda already have bought the larger ones. I'm sort of regretting my decision not to go with the mini's. I could always sell the big ones and buy some mini's though, since the tank is a way's off from having water in it, now would be the time to do that.
Anyone have an opinion on which reflector? How much smaller is the light footprint of the mini? The websites say 2.5' which is 30", so I'm sort of thinking now that the mini's might be the better choice.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!