Thread: My New Toy
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Old 09-06-2007, 09:45 PM
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The feed line (so to speak) attaching into the plumbing versus attaching into the skimmer doesn't make an ultimate difference though - there is a feed line controlled externally (other pump or whatever), and the skimmer pump itself draws water from the T fitting (where the feedline comes in). I assumed that the line going into the white bottom tray was drawing water from the skimmer body. If it isn't - what is that line used for?

The insump model is basically the same but instead of a T, the pump intake is open to the water. So it draws water from the sump directly. So yes, the internal version looks to be a non-recirculating model, but the external model I thought was still a recirculating design.

Which is immaterial, I asked a question (what pump are you feeding the pump with) and you answered (Mag 5). I just thought I'd try to help answer Andrew's question. Recirculation in a skimmer is, I've found, not as beneficial as one might think. Plus, there is a fair amount of unknowns (IMO) behind optimal feed rates. However, it does still make sense in certain scenarios, such as the external versions of skimmers as well as multi pump skimmers. So, anyhow, there ya go.

Originally Posted by Jason McK View Post
that's the odd part Tony. As I see it. The feed pump feeds directly into the needle wheel Pump.(as I described in the above post). the key to BK design is the defusion plate and the high quality materials. In a in-sump version there is only 1 pump. So this is not a recerc.
Not to send people to another forum. But the Zeovit forum has an entire thread dedicated to BK and a lot of photos of them working
if interested go HERE
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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