Thread: My New Toy
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Old 09-06-2007, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I assumed that BK's are recirc style skimmers when I asked how it's being fed.

Traditionally, skimmer pumps are both the driver behind drawing water into the skimmer and the driver behind pumping air and shredding the air bubbles inside of the skimmer.

A recirculating skimmer uses the pump to simply do the air part - ie. the pump intake draws water from the skimmer body itself. This theoretically increases contact time. But it means that the skimmer itself needs to be fed water by some other means - either gravity or separate feed pump.
that's the odd part Tony. As I see it. The feed pump feeds directly into the needle wheel Pump.(as I described in the above post). the key to BK design is the defusion plate and the high quality materials. In a in-sump version there is only 1 pump. So this is not a recerc.
Not to send people to another forum. But the Zeovit forum has an entire thread dedicated to BK and a lot of photos of them working
if interested go HERE


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