hey Tony,
Not hooked up yet. I was hoping for the PVC today but I'm sure the long week end added a couple of days to the shipping.
It's my own anal retentiveness that is causeing the delay. There are many easy solutions using imperial measurement PVC, but I like the idea of correctly fitting pieces.
I heard from Royal Executive that the next version of BK headed to North America will be all imperial fittings.
I have built a self unit above my sump and will put the skimmer on it. I'm using a MAG 5 for a feed pump. It's an odd design as the MAG feeds directly into the Dragon pump. I guess the feed pump is really only to ensure water gets to the skimmer. In hind sight I could have just gone with an internal BK. But this will look cooler

Water level isn't really a factor with the external it just has a 600GPH max feed restriction.
That reminds me I'm going to call the PVC people