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Old 09-06-2007, 04:31 PM
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Delphinus Delphinus is offline
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Couple things I'd sure love to get someday:

Siganus doliatus

Gorgonia flabellum (since I'm dreaming anyways, how about also Muricea sp., Eunicea sp.)
Gymnothorax melatremus
Centropyge interruptus (ha ha ha, just kidding, I wish I could afford one of those!)
Maybe a Cirrhilabrus lineatus ? I dunno, hard to say, I haven't seen a fairy wrasse of any kind that wasn't nice, so any of them are nice to see come in..
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!