as the title says. would an aquamedic turboflotor 1000 multi (HOT) skimmer be too much for a 35-50 gallon tank? right now it looks pretty appealing, but being new to saltwater aquariums im not sure whether it would be way to much for such a small tank, seeing as it's rated for tanks from 120-240 gallons.
it's either that, a remora pro (the more i read the less i want one), the bak pak 2R+, or a tunze 9005.
any input would really help! im having a hell of a time figuring out what skimmer to buy!
the thing i like about the turboflotor is that it can go HOT or in sump, and if i upgraded down the road it would still work on a larger tank. i dont like the fact that there isnt a surface skimmer box though