Reefwerkz closing SALE!!!
We would like to annouce that we will be having a big sale on all of our livestock and dry goods. Due to the fact that other priorities are taking up to much of our time we will no longer have time to run Reefwerkz, so on that note we would like to let everyone know that we will be closing the doors once everything is sold. All frags and colonies will be sold at our cost for these items. We also have a wack of salt left, this also we be priced to sell fast we will not be doing any holds it will be first come first serve. We would like to sell all of our fish and corals fast so if you are interested in some sweet deals we will be open at 7:00 pm tommorow See you than
Thanks Russ
its time to get up, dust myself off, and begin the process of rebuilding my tank!
Last edited by rusty; 09-06-2007 at 04:04 AM.