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Old 09-05-2007, 03:33 AM
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kuatto kuatto is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: East River,Nova Scotia
Posts: 1,021
kuatto is on a distinguished road
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Mike,I'm livin' the good life now.Collecting a pension,great view of the ocean,few hobbies and a good "sugar mama"(lova ya baby! ).
I think in the near future,there will be a cold water setup stocked completly with local sand,rock,water and a few livestock(always wanted to set one up and now have the chance with the ocean at the end of the driveway)but at the moment I spend most time outdoors beachcombing and exploring taking pics.Things are so peaceful here,I can slow down and relax(even started to notice my hair growing back,lol).Hmmmm,maybe a salt water pond...yea!

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