matt, man that sucks to lose the previous tank. but the new livestock is sweeeeet! grunts are one of my favourite all time fish (after spiny lumpsuckers). and puget sound crabs are my favourite on the plate or in a tank! might want to keep an eye on that guy though... king crabs can be pretty... um, predacious. especially if they are large.
i can tell a bit about grunts. notice their pointed, angular noses. and then note their fin rays which are bright orange. grunts will mostly sit inside dead giant barnacles with either their head or caudal fin sticking out. head out, they mimic a closed barnacle, tail out they mimic a barnacle with its feeding feathery apparatus thingy. they are a popular public aquarium species as they are pretty, hardy and are captive bred a lot (at the vancouver aquarium). they also ship long distances well.
hey how about a new fts?