Wow, that sculpin is SO cool looking. I've never heard anything about them. Can you tell us more?
Um I don't know a whole lot about them but I will try. They crawl along the bottom using their front fins that look like fingers and are really sluggish. If you want to find them diving look in dead giant barnacle shells.
How do you keep the tank cooled? do you run a chiller?
Absolutely. In my room with a tank that has no heater in it the temperature stays at about 72 degrees fahrenheit.
How do you deal with condensation? It seems like you have had a lot of different things in the tank. Do the fish not last long?
It didn't used to be a problem. Lately since the weathers getting wetter I have had more and more condensation. So whenever I want to look at the fish I just tank a few towels and wipe it down.

I have been though many problems with the tank so far but I think its starting to level out. I have lost a few fish and I feel pretty bad about that. I think I am getting the hang of it now though.