I'll bite, this looks pretty cool!
System volume is 24g (display)+15g (sump & refugium) for a total of ~39g
My levels as of earlier today are as follows:
SG: 1.025
Temp: 78
pH: 8.2
Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia: 0ppm
Phosphates: 0ppm as per testkit
Calcium: 420ppm
Magnesium: 1280ppm
Alkalinity: 9dkh
- I use a skimmer, phosban reactor, macro algae, and a DSB within my refugium for filtration.
- For lighting I run 1x175w SE MH (XM 15K Just over 1 month old), supplimented with 2x28w actinic bulbs, (2 months, and 3 months old respectively) I also run two LED moonlights each evening.
- I keep a variety of SPS, some LPS, and a few zoas.
- Tissue Color? I need some clarification please!
- This particular tank has been running since the beginning of May. Most everything in the tank, aside from the sand and newly aquired frags, and a piece of rock, have been with me between 3 years and 6 months.
- I don't suppliment anything at this time. I randomly add in some hatched brine shrimp because I like to watch my fish hunt on occasion.
- Present issues would include GHA, but its fading now, so I'm happy to say I'm now winning the battle!
- I've never tried to dose any trace element products. I have loads of free time, and with all this boredom comes lots of time to photograph my tank!
A recent photo, although most of the fish in the photo are now gone.