Whoa, Thanks for all the helpful info guys...
I definitely knew that some of those would for sure not work,
and i know i should not have more than one kind of fish (angels, tangs) together.
Okay so here are my remaining questions...
1. with what phillybean said about the strawberry pseudochromis being a harder fish and needing a school, what does this mean? Should i get 2 or 3? Cause these guys are probably one of my favorites.
2. What kind of angel should i get? I'm thinking coral beauty over flame right now.
3. I'm wondering if i should go with a convict or a midas blenny, because i like them both lots.
4. Would a strawberry pseudochromis and a dottyback pseudochromis work together? Would i need to introduce them at the same time or something? Male and a female? Would the blackcap Basslet work with them too?
This is my now narrowed-down list.
Humbug Damsel
high-finned Goby / Scissortail Goby?
midas/convict Blenny
Percula Clownfish (x2)
Flame Hawkfish
Yellow Tang
Cleaner Shrimp
Red Sea Star
Pink Hawaiian Sea Cucumber
Dotty Back Pseudochromis
blackcap Basslet
Coral beauty angel
Strawberry Pseudochromis
Porcelain Crab
fire cleaner shrimp
Hawaiian Feather Duster
I'm guessing I'll still have to narrow it down, as all those fish couldn't work together in a 75 gal
I'm planning on getting a ton of live rock and stuff so there'll be tons of territory and hiding spots...