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Old 08-29-2007, 05:59 AM
phillybean phillybean is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 270
phillybean is on a distinguished road

Take this from someone with a unsetup 75 who has spent too much time reading about fish...none of this is first hand experience

* Purple Tang - Only one tang in a 75.
* Humbug Damsel Not sure, Damsels are usually bad news though
* high-finned red-banded Goby Should be ok
* midas/convict BlennyShould be ok
* Banggai Cardinal Should be ok
* Percula Clownfish (Pair)Should be ok
* Flame HawkfishWill eat your Shrimp
* Yellow TangSee purple tang
* Porcupine pufferwill eat shrimp/snails/crabs
* Cleaner ShrimpMay become lunch
* Red Sea StarNot sure
* Pink Hawaiian Sea Cucumbershould be ok
* Dotty Back/ Sunrise/ indigo should be ok
* Flame Angelnice angel
* blackcap Basslet Nice fish
* Coral beauty angelfishI would only go with one angel in a 75
* Griffis Angelfishsee above
* Strawberry PseudochromisHarder fish, need a school
* Volitan Lionfishwill eat the smaller fish/gobies, chromis
* Porcelain Crabshould be ok, anything other then hermits may cause problems
* fire cleaner shrimpMight be lunch
* Hawaiian Feather Dustershould be ok

That said, even with the ones I "think" would be ok, you still have a lot of fish in what is really a small tank. Make sure you have a large skimmer for the bio load. Also remember some of the more aggressive fish will eat the smaller ones and your shrimp. Decide now if you want an aggressive or community tank. Here is the stocking list for my 75:

Hippo Tang
Copper Band Butterfly
Pair of clowns
Mandarin Dragonet
Lawn Mower Blenny
Yellow head goby
2 cleaner shrimp
25 blue leg hermit crabs
Assorted snails

That said, I am going for a reef, not FOWLR. This puts me at 2 large fish, 2 small and one medium sized. I'm hoping the Mandarin, Blenny and Goby will be ok together with a large fuge but even then might not be able to have all three.
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