08-29-2007, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Port Coquitlam
Posts: 36
My Fish list! Which will work, which wont?
Okay so these are some fish and other creatures I'm wanting to put in my 75 gal tank (with some live rock.)
I'm just wondering what a good combination would be, and what ones wouldn't work with others.
- Purple Tang
- Humbug Damsel
- high-finned red-banded Goby
- midas/convict Blenny
- Banggai Cardinal
- Percula Clownfish (Pair)
- Flame Hawkfish
- Yellow Tang
- Porcupine puffer
- Cleaner Shrimp
- Red Sea Star
- Pink Hawaiian Sea Cucumber
- Dotty Back/ Sunrise/ indigo
- Flame Angel
- blackcap Basslet
- Coral beauty angelfish
- Griffis Angelfish
- Strawberry Pseudochromis
- Volitan Lionfish
- Porcelain Crab
- fire cleaner shrimp
- Hawaiian Feather Duster
Pm'ing me works too 
Thanks for the help Canreef!
I've be gotten my first SW tank (75 gal)!
I'm working on getting it up and running.