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Old 08-28-2007, 03:40 AM
dcmoore dcmoore is offline
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Location: White Rock/South Surrey
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Default identifying aiptasia

I just got my first live rock and it has some aiptasia on it. I'm going to try injecting lemon juice this evening. Some of the "aiptasia" is the light brown that I have seen elsewhere, but some of it is dark brown. I just want to make sure that the dark brown variety isn't something desirable that I should be leaving alone. So is there something that looks like aiptasia?

This tank is 1 day old so the cycling process is just started. Is there any way that I could use peppermint shrimp to remove it and keep the shrimp alive?. I don't have another SW tank. What I really need is "Rent-A-Shrimp", lol.

Last edited by dcmoore; 08-28-2007 at 05:15 PM. Reason: remove photos
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