Have you added any new inhabitants that could have introduced it? Sometimes the fish will just overcome the symptoms (though the ich is still present in your system). Ich often manifests itself when present conditions cause the fish stress. What could this be in your case?
I wouldn't rely on cleaner wrasses....I'm fairly sure they don't actually treat ich, but rather eat the dead skin off the fish that is a result of the actual parasite underneath the surface of the skin.
As Christy said, copper might not be the thing for you (try a little research on google and you can find this out with certainty). Hyposalinity might be your best bet if the symptoms don't go away on their own.
10G Nano * 10G Sump * Deltec MCE 600 Skimmer * JBL Viper 150w MH * Zeovit * Vortech MP40W
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ~S. Ertz
