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Old 08-23-2007, 06:13 PM
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findingnemo1 findingnemo1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Calgary Area
Posts: 273
findingnemo1 is on a distinguished road

Okay we'll here is the latest update.

I have no idea what this is. I am down to my flagfin and regal and i am pretty sure the regal Angel will die today. When in the quarintine tank yesterday hey started freakin out but he was the only one. So in a moment of desperation my wife pulled him out and reacclimitated him to the main tank and put him back in. Thinking that at least if he dies it would be at

So he didn't look to bad but when we look at him today you can see his lateral line almost coming through his skin on both sides?
What is up with that? He is still eating and was eating like a pig untill yesterday so it is not like he is starving to death. I just don't get what is going on.

I am thinking a bad case of brooke? Or some funky bacteria or disease wiping a whole tank out.

The flagfin the one i thought was going to make it is now losing his colour again so i give him a day max as that what seems to happen to all the rest. All good and then one day within a couple hours they are dead.

The only one that is showing no signs of anything and never has is the cleaner wrasse. Still going strong and never skipped a beat through all of this.

So in the end i think i will lose the entire tank

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