I used to get my RO water from Real Canadian Superstore, they sell RO water (you take your jug and fill it there). I then switched to a water store close to my home that sells both purified and mineralized water, becasue they sell a bit chepaer. I used to test their water with my TDS meter and it always showed 0 ppm, until one time I tested and it showed 16 ppm. Given that GVRD tap water has 10-15ppm TDS I went ahead and got my own RO/DI unit from Aquasafe.
29G Biocube (top removed), 175w MH
torch, frogspawn, green candy cane, toadstool, zoo frag, xenia
percula clown, pigmy angel, yellow watchman goby, cleaner and peppermint shrimps