Thread: Power Outages?
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Old 08-22-2007, 06:10 PM
Renegade Renegade is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 229
Renegade is on a distinguished road

personally temperature drop i don't think is really the problem, its lack of flow/oxygen within the tank. as flow stops the fresh and salt water begin to separate and the salt sinks to the bottom conveniently were your fish like to hang out.

there are a number of cheap things you can do when the power fails

a battery backup to run air stones and a power head.

float bottles of warm water if you overly concerned about temp. with that being said the part about the temp to worry about is how fast you bring it back up to temp.

hand stir your water

use a drill with a paint stir stick attached and turn it on with the end in the water.

small gas generator go for like 150-300 bucks from a army and navy type store.

Transformer that plugs into your car providing an outlet and a really long extension cord.

What kills the tank is not being prepared for something to happen and having no backup plan in place.

Oh and being home is Important to lol
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