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Old 08-21-2007, 05:49 PM
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fkshiu fkshiu is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 1,499
fkshiu is on a distinguished road

Yup, the very last thing you want to be doing at 6AM on a Sunday morning is dealing with a 120 gallon tank that is BLEEDING water from apparently no where.

This is what the tank used to look like:

By the time I found out, all 6 gallons or so that was left in the FW resevoir had been pumped out by the osmolator and the return chamber was down about 3 gallons. So I'm guessing 9 gallons or so found freedom.

Fortunately, the bottom of my stand is sealed with a waterproofing membrane so that caught much of the water. But it was full and the water had overflowed onto the laminate.

I had a choice of whether to safe the livestock or save the floors. I chose the livestock like any good reefer

So after creating makeshift dam around the tank with every available towel or piece of cloth I could find (including my pajamas) I set about draining the tank and moving everything to the sump, a 10 gallon and 25 gallon. Everybody's accounted for except for the abalone (he's probably in the big rubbermaid tub where I threw all the LR into).

I now know why SPS nanos are rare, I'm already having trouble maintaining water quality in the 10 gallon where all the SPS/clams are being housed. For light over the 10 gallon I'm using the 250w HQI with lumenmax reflector I was planning on setting up that very day!

My 5" hippo is doing OK for now in the 25 gallon.

The wife's been very understanding. She'd be a whole lot less understanding I hadn't had foam under the tank and the entire bottom pane had fallen out.

Anyone got a 6'x2' footprint tank FS?
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