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Old 08-20-2007, 11:53 PM
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findingnemo1 findingnemo1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Calgary Area
Posts: 273
findingnemo1 is on a distinguished road

I have

They are always feed garlic and selcon soaked foods.

So the update. I have now lost my 6 line and skunk clown. So i am left with the flagfin, regal angel, and the cleaner wrasse. I dumped all the water in the hospital tank. Put in new stuff and tried seachems paraguard. We'll low and behold the breathing slowed down and they are eating dinner. soooo i don't know what it is or what it was but i am crossing fingers as to maybe i will beat this.
Although the rest i will truly miss as they all had great personality this regal angel is one i do not want to lose. Not your typical regal and has ate from day one. Eats everything and anything. And after losing one regal to not eating i think that losing her will throw me over the edge...

So thank-you for all the support and suggestions and hopefully this will be it

And to note this is one mean strain of ick. I have fought ick and brooke before but nothing compares to this. I have read that there were mean cases of it going around but my god.My total lose ended up being 6 in 3 days. And what is odd is when the 2 anthias went they went at pretty much the same time. They both ate dinner and 30 min later both were together in the back side by side dead.They were a couple for 18 months as they were 2 of my first fish in my 130.

Sorry for going on its funny how attached to your fish you become.

It is a sad day at our house

Thanks again everyone.

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