All the fish are dead or pretty much dead:(
HI all.
We'll i don't know what is going on but my god i have pretty much lost them all.
In 2 days i have lost 2 anthias,1 potters angel,1 royal gramma, and on there way out are 1 regal angel( which i will do pretty much anything to make live)
1 flagfin and a sixline. I bought a coral about 3 weeks ago that i am assuming had ick on it as my tank exploded with ick. No new fish in about 5 months and they were all quarintined before being put in the main tank. So in one night i lost the 2 anthias and royal gramma. Now this morning i watched helplessly as the potters went. So upon inspection i see everyone breathing a mile a minute so check the water params and all is fine. But i do a 10 gallon water change anyways. Add an extra airstone and still nothing. I have tried the hypo with no avail and the copper and this ick from downunder will not go away. It isn't brook as they are not that classic white slimmy looking. Just ick spots everywhere. I have tried to paraguard them to relieve them abit but that isn't working either.
I have no idea what to do. Helpless that you can't help them.
